The Remedy, from Vancouver, performs Nickelback’s “Something In Your Mouth” at Grande Cache, Alberta in 2011. Features Sarah Flanagan (RIP) on vocals, Robert Graves on guitar, Eddy Bugnut on bass and Rod Senft on drums. Front-of-house mixed by Chris Dorozek.
Dead Rock Stars
Dead Rock Stars | A Tribute to my Fallen Bandmates
A heartfelt tribute to the incredible musicians I’ve had the privilege to perform with and call friends. Though they’re no longer with us, they are still present through their music and memories they created. Join me in celebrating their lives and the timeless spirit they gifted the world.
Smells Like Teen Spirit feat. Peter Ettinger
Ettinger from Canada performs Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” at World Famous Chilkoot Charlie’s in Anchorage, Alaska. Features Peter Ettinger on vocals (RIP), Steve Boies on guitar, Eddy Bugnut on bass and Colin Furness on drums.
Footloose feat. Sarah Flanagan
The Remedy from Vancouver performs “Footloose” by Kenny Loggins. Features Sarah Flanagan on vocals (RIP 2022), Robert Graves on guitar, Eddy Bugnut on bass and Rod Senft on drums.
We Are Young feat. Peter Ettinger
Ettinger performs We Are Young in Boyle, Alberta in July, 2017? Featuring Peter Ettinger on vocals, Steve Boies on guitar, Eddy Bugnut on bass, and Colin Furness on drums.
Poker Face feat. Sarah Flanagan
The Remedy from Vancouver performs Poker Face by Lady Gaga. Features Sarah Flanagan on vocals (RIP 2022), Robert Graves on guitar, Eddy Bugnut on bass and Rod Senft on drums.
Rebel Yell feat. Ted Moore
Big Radio from Vancouver performs Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell” at the Great Canadian Death Race in Grande Cache, Alberta. Features Ted Moore on vocals, Robert Graves on guitar, Eddy Bugnut on bass and Doug Grant on drums.
“Why Millennials Suck” feat. Peter Ettinger
Singer Peter Ettinger (R.I.P. 2020) joins Felix Roberts, Eddy Bugnut, and Colin Furness in a discussion about why millennials suck. Also, everyone reveals which players they would include in their ideal bands.